Saturday, September 29, 2007

Trailer's up!

Click here to get your Last One fix. Lemme know what you guys think!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Credit Envy

"Mate you gotta get yourself on IMDB. Every filmmaker that wants to be taken seriously needs to be on IMDB" a friend of mine said. And so I got on IMDB. Me and my measly short film director's credit. Not quite as many credits as say, this guy, but I guess it's a start.

Okay I'm on IMDB, what happens now? Can I poke people?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's always a good thing for a director when members of your crew share the same enthusiasm for your film. Here's editor Enzo's take on how the cut for The Last One is shaping up so far.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Going down with some girls

For those of you who love your horror movies with a good dose of claustrophobia and a decent amount of female hysterics, watch The Descent. Rented it at Blockbuster for a random pizza night and was pleasantly surprised to find myself actually scared.

It's about a group of six women who go on a caving expedition to help one of them get over the loss of her husband. Because you know, there's really no better therapy for dealing with a loved one's death by putting yourself in a dark, wet place that could be possibly inhabited by creatures that leave the bones of animals they've eaten all over the cavern floor.

What I liked about the film, apart from the fact that I really dig chicks that can rock-climb, was that it takes its sweet time revealing the monsters and instead makes the characters deal with a far more treacherous villain- the cave itself, and the effect it has on each of them. Bonds are tested, kitty claws come out, sorority hugs are replaced by bitching when everything goes to shit. Good performances all around too, especially from Filipina-Aussie Natalie Mendoza, who is perfect as the ambiguous villain/ hero who hides her real intentions behind her tough extreme athlete facade. And she rocks the dirty bangs quite well don't you think?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Can you say teaser?

The first The Last One pic is out. That was a weird sentence. Anyhow, the shot above was my little homage to William Friedkin's The Exorcist. Watch this space for more photos as the cut takes shape.

A doco script to write and a short film to edit. I'm not sleeping much these days, but I've always felt sleep is for Sundays anyway. Have a relatively light Viocorp week ahead so I shall use the time to gather my thoughts, work on my showreel and portfolio, walk around and acquaint myself with my new Nikon, and maybe start writing again. There's a box of unused Super 16mm film in my freezer, I'm gonna have to do something about that.

This is shaping up to be my busiest year so far and I just keep wishing for it to get busier. There's so much more I can do.

People keep bugging me to sign up for Facebook already. I just can't be bothered by yet another time-sucking social networking site right now. Besides, hurling sheep is much more fun in real life.