Monday, June 04, 2007

I just staggered home after 48 hours of storyboard meetings with Fung my cinematographer and Jen my first AD. Lots of beer and tea, ciggies and chocolate, and me acting out scenes from the film as I describe how I want a shot to look like and bumping my head on the walls in the process. I haven't bathed in two days which doesn't really matter as it is officially winter and thus I am sweat free and still lemony fresh.

Smiling now...

2 days later

We have six shooting days to complete a 22-page, 30-minute film. 5pm till sunrise all throughout. Filming on a low loader truck as we cross a major city tunnel. Gunfights and shit blowing up. I really don't know how we are going to pull it all off, but I just have to arm myself with the fact that in the end, things will always work one way or the other.

Seven days to go. Bring it on.