Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ants Marching

Just got back from a month long vacation in Manila and was immediately greeted by familiar friends- roaches, who no doubt have been capitalizing on my absence to breed at will. They've been joined by a gang of black ants, who don't seem to mind the fact that I'm home. A few of them have even brazenly crawled up my leg, as if to ask who the hell I am. Needless to say, it's Mortein time once again.

It's a bit strange entering my apartment and seeing things exactly the way they were. Don't get me wrong, it's a sight I would much rather prefer than seeing the flat totally cleaned out by burglars. What makes the whole thing strange are the signs of how I seemed to be in such a hurry to leave-

Dishes washed and dried. Not too well. A stack of unopened bills on the counter, to which I put aside with the thought "I'll pay them when I get back." My renewed lease, which I was supposed to mail out, but postponed, again with the same mindset as the bills. Laundry which was supposed to be washed, all tied up in a large towel and surprisingly still odorless.

Was I in that much of a hurry to get home? I suppose I was. Eager to stop working and spend the rest of my unpredictable 2006 in the company of friends, family, and some false killer whales. I needed a break from my life and I needed it to happen ASAP.

That said, my month in Manila was just what I needed. I feel recharged now, and thanks to certain events that have transpired, I feel like my life has a bit more direction again. My 2007 begins now.

(And it starts by paying the bills.)