Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Basket 'O Beer

What a nice way to head towards the new year. The Haircut won Best Original Score at the Bondi Short Film Festival. My film's composer, Sebastian, wasn't around so I had to go up and mumble a speech in his behalf.

"Mumble mumble..."

Before the event all the filmmakers had to arrive early to pose for some photos in front of the banner of the festival's main sponsor, Stella Artois, which in my opinion is the world's coolest beer only because it's obvious that the company's head honchos are film buffs. God bless you fellas.

And the award for Best Bowlegged Filmmaker goes to...

My prize for the evening was a lovely plaque (which technically belongs to Seb) and a huge basket of wine, beer, DVDs, and swag. Not being able to find a cab at Bondi Beach at midnight, I had to resort to carrying said basket on a bus, then a train, then on a walk along King's Cross, having to endure requests from drunken teens to throw some beer their way. Winning awards is fun only if you have a car to carry your prizes home.

Can't wait to finish this year strong. Can't wait to go home and face what I consider to be my actual reality. Should be interesting.