Sunday, November 05, 2006

Well alrighty then.

Been blogless for the past month and a half probably due to a combination of the following factors- my Mac was in the shop for some long overdue lovin', and my 9 to 5 job has been keeping me so busy that I just haven't had the time to do anything remotely interesting.

But. I've gotten my ass in gear and am finally working on a new short film. Observe the little banner-teaser thingy, which is hardly any indication of what the film is about but I just wanted to whip up a little something to stare at on my desktop to keep me motivated. Hey, whatever works.

What's it about? Well, it's a love story in the guise of an action film. That's all I'll say for now. It's a far departure from the short films I've made so far, and purposely so. I wanted to challenge myself by going a bit bigger and seeing if I can direct things on a slightly larger scale. Meaning some guns go off and cars come crashing. Sweet. But I'm not going all Michael Bay on my filmmaking philosophies, whatever action that happens in this film will only serve to drive the story forward. Honest!

Right now the film's in the script stage, I'm currently in the process of molding it into something worth dangling in front of investors. Hopefully they'll bite. And hopefully I will then have something interesting to blog about again.