Saturday, May 24, 2008

BMX Bandit

Greetings from Mount Beauty, Victoria. Whoever named this place Mount Beauty was stating the obvious because the place is just that- a small valley town (population 2,300 says the Welcome sign) nestled amidst a mountain range. The number of ski shops indicate snow action in the winter and I would love to come here again when that happens.

I'm here covering the Red Bull Dirt Pipe event, and while the 20-hour shoot-then-edit-onsite days have been grueling, it's a welcome change from the usual corporate talking head stuff I usually do. Doing this shoot has taken me back to both my BMX childhood and my Gameplan producer days and I find myself wishing I had been fortunate enough to have filmed these BMX riders then because these guys are just sick- launching themselves off of dirt jumps and doing stuff I've only seen in my old Betamax copy of Rad. Yes, they do get that high up there. It's insane. Some screen grabs:

The past two days have been the practice runs and tomorrow is the actual event. According to one of the organisers, the riders have been "holding back" and "wait till you see the shit they're gonna be doing tomorrow." Can't wait.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Made the Grade

After what's been quite an arduous slog, the colour grade for The Last One is finally done. When i was writing the film I was very set on how I wanted the film to look. I wanted to avoid Matrix green since that palette's been pretty much done to death and instead I opted to rely mainly on two primary light sources- street lamps and moonlight. As a result the film is both amber and blue, punctuated with high contrast daytime scenes to further emphasize the difference between the scenes set in the present and the flashbacks. I'd like to take more credit for how lovely the shots look, but really, it's Fung's mad skills with the camera that got the film looking the way it does.

Some screen caps:

Many thanks to Yoomin Lee from The Lab for doing the grade and making Fung's shots look even better.

Almost there, almost there!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Me Wiki

How bizarre! For some reason I'm on Wikipedia and whoever put me on there got my birthday wrong. Don't they know that there is no way I would ever allow myself to be born so close to Christmas and therefore run the risk of receiving two-in-one gifts from people? Never!