Friday, April 21, 2006

I hate horoscopes. Really. I refuse to allow my entire day to be governed by what some phony newspaper psychic says, not even if she guarantees a future of wealth and happiness if I heed the alignment of Saturn and Uranus. That said, I scrolled down my friendster page today and saw my horoscope:

"You're getting a growing understanding of your situation. Clarity is imminent. You're always interested in questions of how what you're doing fits into a larger context. You might wonder about your work's impact on the environment, your work's impact on your community, or your work's impact on society at large. Right now, you'll be particularly interested in these sorts of questions, and you could well get some very interesting -- and perhaps even spiritually satisfying -- answers. So how do you fit into the grand scheme of things?"

How do I fit in the grand scheme of things? How do we all? Interesting question...

Maybe I'm just extra pensive because it's my birthday today.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I want your shorts...bad.

I just had this disturbing vision of some random stalker getting all goosebumpy after reading the title above. But yeah, if you are a stalker who happens to be a filmmaker with some short films under your belt, why not put them online for the world to see? Me and some people are in the middle of launching NICE SHORTS, a short film website. Everyone and their mother is watching videos on the web now thanks to ridiculously fast broadband, so why not give your mini-masterpieces an audience?

We are launching the site in May and are currently looking for films of all genres. I've managed to garner the interest of some Filipino directors and I'm hoping to find some more. So if you're interested and need more info, check out the site here.