Here's something I wrote last month...I don't know why I'm just posting it now:
February something, 2006
Late night, my flat
I have this theory that roughly 80% of bloggers all over the world are insomniac.
Outside my window I see buildings in silhouette, their black walls speckled with the occasional lit window. Hello fellow insomniacs. I wonder if they’re looking over here and thinking the same thing. I wave to no one in particular.
I’m somewhat bummed out because I just got word this morning that my short film The Haircut didn’t make it to the final selection for Tropfest. What a letdown, because a couple of days earlier I was told it had made the short list out of over 700 entries. Life can be such a cocktease. I know my film professor John would say that Tropfest is a crass gag film festival and that it's not worth feeling bad over, but fuck, it’s a crass gag film festival that’s watched by over 100,00 audience members. It’s like a rock concert for film geeks. So yes, I would have taken it thank you very much. I consider myself as artsy as the next film snob but at the same time it would have been nice to have been seen by an audience apart from my family. For just one night it would have been nice to have been a rock star in my own way. But no, not meant to be. For now. So many things not meant for us in this lifetime. The religious would immediately say, “God closes a door, he opens a window…” If so, please let it be a huge ass window. With a great view.
But I’m stupidly resilient. I will continue to trudge along and make my little movies in hopes that they will someday set me up for bigger and better things. There are a lot of other film fests out there, and all it takes is one studio exec (preferably stoned out of his mind) delirious enough to notice my work and take a chance on me.
I have a couple of short film ideas fermenting in my head as we speak. Some inspired, some silly, and most of them have a great beginning but don't have an end. I actually haven’t been disciplined enough to chain myself to my laptop to properly write. Whenever I get down to it I usually end up surfing the net, chatting with friends, or downloading songs and listening to them while I air guitar. Yes I have a guitar again. And I air guitar something fierce. If there was an air guitar tournament I’d be champion.
March 30
I just found out The Haircut will be screened as part of Tropfest's 'Best Of The Rest' program. I'm psyched because it will screen in an honest to goodness cinema and already I am preparing diapers knowing I will wet myself when I see my film up on screen.
And since this entry looks like it's evolving into a Carlo's Career Update, here's another thing I'm looking forward to... a moonset! Like so:

That's a photo from a film called Saving Sally, the screenplay of which I wrote and is directed by the freakishly talented Avid Liongoren. How would I describe it? It's a typical Filipino teen love story, except that it's mostly in English and there are monsters and robots and purple skies and a villain that looks like a dick. So I guess it's not that typical.
Check out the film's trailer/music video here. I admit to getting dime-sized goosebumps, either from kilig or from the fact that stuff I wrote has actually been shot, or maybe both.
Avid tells me he is in the thick of post production, and he estimates the film to be finished 8 months from now. So please, visit his site and tell him to hurry the hell up because we all wanna see it already.
MOOD: Fiendish
MUSIC: Bloc Party- "So Here We Are"
FILM: A History Of Violence. Wives everywhere, follow what Maria Bello does for her man, and the world will be a much better place.
TV: Scrubs. The best show with the best lines: "I love this moment so much I want to make love to it."
February something, 2006
Late night, my flat
I have this theory that roughly 80% of bloggers all over the world are insomniac.
Outside my window I see buildings in silhouette, their black walls speckled with the occasional lit window. Hello fellow insomniacs. I wonder if they’re looking over here and thinking the same thing. I wave to no one in particular.
I’m somewhat bummed out because I just got word this morning that my short film The Haircut didn’t make it to the final selection for Tropfest. What a letdown, because a couple of days earlier I was told it had made the short list out of over 700 entries. Life can be such a cocktease. I know my film professor John would say that Tropfest is a crass gag film festival and that it's not worth feeling bad over, but fuck, it’s a crass gag film festival that’s watched by over 100,00 audience members. It’s like a rock concert for film geeks. So yes, I would have taken it thank you very much. I consider myself as artsy as the next film snob but at the same time it would have been nice to have been seen by an audience apart from my family. For just one night it would have been nice to have been a rock star in my own way. But no, not meant to be. For now. So many things not meant for us in this lifetime. The religious would immediately say, “God closes a door, he opens a window…” If so, please let it be a huge ass window. With a great view.
But I’m stupidly resilient. I will continue to trudge along and make my little movies in hopes that they will someday set me up for bigger and better things. There are a lot of other film fests out there, and all it takes is one studio exec (preferably stoned out of his mind) delirious enough to notice my work and take a chance on me.
I have a couple of short film ideas fermenting in my head as we speak. Some inspired, some silly, and most of them have a great beginning but don't have an end. I actually haven’t been disciplined enough to chain myself to my laptop to properly write. Whenever I get down to it I usually end up surfing the net, chatting with friends, or downloading songs and listening to them while I air guitar. Yes I have a guitar again. And I air guitar something fierce. If there was an air guitar tournament I’d be champion.
March 30
I just found out The Haircut will be screened as part of Tropfest's 'Best Of The Rest' program. I'm psyched because it will screen in an honest to goodness cinema and already I am preparing diapers knowing I will wet myself when I see my film up on screen.
And since this entry looks like it's evolving into a Carlo's Career Update, here's another thing I'm looking forward to... a moonset! Like so:

That's a photo from a film called Saving Sally, the screenplay of which I wrote and is directed by the freakishly talented Avid Liongoren. How would I describe it? It's a typical Filipino teen love story, except that it's mostly in English and there are monsters and robots and purple skies and a villain that looks like a dick. So I guess it's not that typical.
Check out the film's trailer/music video here. I admit to getting dime-sized goosebumps, either from kilig or from the fact that stuff I wrote has actually been shot, or maybe both.
Avid tells me he is in the thick of post production, and he estimates the film to be finished 8 months from now. So please, visit his site and tell him to hurry the hell up because we all wanna see it already.
MOOD: Fiendish
MUSIC: Bloc Party- "So Here We Are"
FILM: A History Of Violence. Wives everywhere, follow what Maria Bello does for her man, and the world will be a much better place.
TV: Scrubs. The best show with the best lines: "I love this moment so much I want to make love to it."