Saturday, August 27, 2005

Love Your Thumbs!

Sony Australia recently had a short film contest where participants were asked to submit a 1-3 minute video with the final content suitable to be uploadable to a Sony Playstation Portable. I saw the notice 2 days before the deadline, rounded up my beautiful girlfriend/ badass producer Mel and my actor friend/ officemate Nick, and shot a mockumentary about people who love their thumbs. It was run and gun filmmaking all the way- I literally wrote the script while we were setting up lights, edited till sunrise, and groggily hand-delivered it an hour before the deadline. I think it turned out pretty okay. And Sony must've thought so because it made it to the finals and will be available for download from their site next week! If you've read my blog you know how bad I've been lusting after a PSP and now here's a chance for me to win one. Keeping my fingers (or rather thumbs) crossed...

Friday, August 12, 2005

My short films page is back online. I'll be constantly updating it, so click on it from time to time. Will post my short film trailers, web adverts, music videos, and more. In the meantime, check out the Blinding trailer.